(December 3, 2024) The agreement to change portions of the NWS-NWSEO collective bargaining agreement (CBA) gained Agency Head Approval on November 12, 2024.
The most anticipated change is in Article 20, Section 3A1, which allows Local Office Teams (LOTs) to incorporate single coverage shifts in the rotational cycles with no less than six (6) shifts scheduled daily. Any flexibility gained by scheduling employees to work where they are most needed must be used primarily to meet impact-based decision support services (IDSS) demands. There are two important considerations to incorporating single coverage shifts. First, a rotational cycle that includes a single coverage shift must be approved by the LOTs and approved by both the Regional Labor Council and the National Labor Council. Second, the Shiftwork Flexibility Team developed a process for LOTs to submit their schedule for regional and national approval. The Shiftwork Flexibility Team plans to host a webinar to provide the training and guard rails for formulation and the approval process for a schedule rotation incorporating a single coverage shift in the future.
Next, our March 2021 CBA has been extended from six (6) years to eight (8) years. This means the NWS contract will remain in effect until 2029.
Restorative breaks have been added to Article 19, Section 8B, allowing employees to take restorative breaks during shifts when approved by the shift lead or supervisor. Two restorative breaks, 20 minutes in length, are allowed during an 8-hour shift, but more time can be approved for shifts longer than eight (8) hours.
A change to Article 20, Section 3B1 specifically states that shifts assigned to provide IDSS are not considered supernumerary shifts. Another change to Article 20, Section 3B4 allows employees to move their start/end time of the supernumerary shifts with approval. This change is employee-driven to allow employees more flexibility.
Article 20, Section 10B changes adds a short paragraph requiring supervisors to provide the rationale for a shift swap denial within seven (7) business days. It also states that denial of a shift swap should not be solely based on mere managerial preference.
Article 20, Section 10C allows for swaps between employees working a traditional (8-hour) shift and employees working a compressed work schedule.
An electronic copy of the NWS-NWSEO Collective Bargaining Agreement, updated November 12, 2024 can be found on our website.