(April 4, 2023) As you may recall, the General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority has issued an unfair labor practice complaint against the Department of Commerce for failing to consult with NWSEO before issuing the “back to work” order last year, along with new, more restrictive, telework and remote work policies. Additional evidence of the impact is needed for the trial set for next month.
During the “evacuation” and period of maximum telework, Commerce employees were eligible for up to 20 hours a pay period of excused absence to assist with dependent care – but that benefit was rescinded at the end of the evacuation in April 2022. We are looking for any employees who utilized that excused absence at least occasionally, and then had to use one day or more of annual leave or leave without pay for the same thing that they received excused absence for. Please send precise details of dates and reasons.
Further, if you had to use annual leave or leave without pay for any reason attributable to the termination of maximum telework, please send us details.
Information should be sent immediately to nwseostrong@nwseo.org.